Počet publikací: 600
Biowarfare against the Nazis : the ethics, efficacy and consequences of a forgotten operation by the Czech resistance in the Second World War
War & Society, rok: 2025, ročník: 44, vydání: 1, DOI
Bispecific Thio-linked Disaccharides as Inhibitors of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Lectins LecA (PA-IL) and LecB (PA-IIL): Dual-Targeting Strategy
Chemistry – A European Journal, rok: 2025, ročník: 31, vydání: 5, DOI
Blue rings in trees and shrubs as indicators of early and late summer cooling events at the northern treeline
Frontiers in Plant Science, rok: 2025, ročník: 15, vydání: January, DOI
Bonebridge Implantation in Treacher-Collins Syndrome With Conductive Hearing Loss-Case Report
Ear, nose, & throat journal, rok: 2025, DOI
BoPo Online, BoPo Offline? Engagement with Body Positivity Posts, Positive Appearance Comments on Social Media, and Adolescents’ Appearance-Related Prosocial Tendencies
Computers in Human Behavior, rok: 2025, ročník: 162, vydání: January, DOI
Borrower-based macroprudential measures and credit growth: How biased is the existing literature?
Journal of Economic Surveys, rok: 2025, ročník: 39, vydání: 1, DOI
Boundary layer and mixing layer height: Models vs. Ground-based measurements intercomparison
Atmospheric Research, rok: 2025, ročník: 315, vydání: April, DOI
Breaking boundaries: role of the brain barriers in metastatic process
FLUIDS AND BARRIERS OF THE CNS, rok: 2025, ročník: 22, vydání: 1, DOI
Brucella microti and Rodent-Borne Brucellosis: A Neglected Public Health Threat
Zoonoses and Public Health, rok: 2025, ročník: 72, vydání: 1, DOI
Building russkiy mir online – Russia´s competing narratives
Journal of Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, rok: 2025, DOI