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Courses taught
Autumn 2004 at Faculty of Economics and Administration
- Microeconomics I
- Microeconomics II
- Microeconomy
- Monetary Economics
- Open Economy Theory
- Regional Policy
- Seminar in Microeconomics II
- Social Policy and Labour Market
- The Transformation of the Czech Economy and its Economic Policy
- Theoretical Seminar in Economics
- Theory of Fiscal and Monetary Policy
- World Economy (C_KESHOS, KESHOS)
Spring 2004 at Faculty of Science
Spring 2004 at Faculty of Economics and Administration
- Bachelors Work
- Diploma Seminar (PEDISE, PEDS)
- Economic Aspects of European Integration
- Economic History for Students of National Economy
- Economic Policy
- External Economic Policy
- Global Problems of World Economy
- Institutional Economics
- Labour Market and Employment Policy for NE
- Macroeconomic Policy
- Macroeconomics (C_KEMAKR, D_MA, KEMAKR)
- Macroeconomics I (PEMAAI, PEMAKI)
- Macroeconomics II
- Macroeconomics of Open Economy
- Monetary Policy for Students of National Economy
- Seminar in History of Economic Theories
- Seminar in Macroeconomics II
- Social Policy for National Economists
- Special Seminar
- Special Seminar in Economic Policy
- Special Seminar in Economics
- Special Seminar: Dissertation
- The New Neo-classical Macroeconomics
- The Transformation of the Czech Economy and its Economic Policy
- Theoretical Seminar in Economics
- Thesis
- World Economy
Autumn 2003 at Faculty of Economics and Administration
- Busines Law (Selected issues)
- Comparison of Economic Theories
- Contemporary Economic Theories
- Diploma Seminar
- Economic Policy (C_KEHOPO, KEHOPO)
- Economic Policy II
- Economic Policy of the European Union
- Economic Theories of the 20th century
- Introduction to Economic Policy
- Journalism for Economists
- Macroeconomic Regulation
- Macroeconomics for Public Administration
- Main Trends of Economic Thinking
- Market Theory
- Market, Finance and Global Problems
- Microeconomics (C_KEMIKR, KEMIKR)
- Microeconomics I (PEMIAI, PEMIKI)
- Microeconomics II
- Microeconomy
- Monetary Economics
- Open Economy Theory
- Regional Policy
- Seminar in Economic History
- Seminar in Microeconomics II
- Social Policy and Labour Market
- The Transformation of the Czech Economy and its Economic Policy
- Theoretical Seminar in Economics
- Theory of Econometrics
- Theory of Fiscal and Monetary Policy
- World Economy (C_KESHOS, KESHOS)