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Courses taught
Spring 2004 at Faculty of Law
Autumn 2003 at Faculty of Law
- Základy teorie práva - seminář (CBN101Z, CBN101Zk, CBP103Z, CBP301Z, CBP301Zk, CBV101Z, CBV101Zk, CM101Z, CM305Z, CM305Zk)
- Introduction of Sociology and Psychology of Law
- Introduction to Sociology and Psychologie of Law
- Introduction to Sociology and Psychology of Law (BM302Zk, CBV302Z)
- Introduction to Sociology and Psychology of law
- Introduction to sociology and Psychology of Law
- Introduction to sociology and Psychology of Law - seminar
- Introduction to Sociology and Psychology of Law- seminar
- Law and Informatics I
- Law and Informatics I - exercise
- Law and Informatics II
- Law and Informatics II - exercise
- Legal philosophy
- Legal Theory I (D119902, D1SVZ02)
- Legal Theory III (D319902, D3SVZ02)
- Legal Theory V (D519902, D5SVZ02)
- Philosophy for Lawyers
- Philosophy for Lawyers - seminar
- Psychology for Lawyers
- Psychology for Lawyers - seminar
- Sociology of Law (CM102Z, CM102Zk, MP102Zk)
- Sociology of Law - seminar
- The history of the czech public administration
- The history of the czech public administration - seminar
- Theory of Law I - seminar
- Theory of Law I.
- Theory of Law (BM101Z, BM101Zk, BO103Zk, BP103Zk, BT101Z, BT101Zk, CBP103Zk)
- Theory of Law - seminar (BO103Z, BP103Z)
- Theory of Law III
Spring 2003 at Faculty of Law
- Počítačové informační systémy - cvičení (BM201Z, BS201Z, BT201Z, CBV201Z, CBV201Zk, CM202Z)
- IT for Lawyers I
- IT for Lawyers I - training
- Law and Informatics II
- Law and Informatics II - exercise
- Law and Informatics III
- Legal informatics
- Legal Theory II
- Logic for Lawyers
- Logic for Lawyers - seminar
- Rhetoric
- Rhetoric - seminar
- Theory of Law
- Theory of Law II
- Theory of Law II - seminar