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Courses taught
Autumn 2000 at Faculty of Law
- Dějiny české veřejné správy - seminář (BX104sZ, Bx302p, BX302sZ)
- History of Law Theories
- History of Law Theories - seminar
- Law and Informatics I (MV317Zk, Mx317p, MX317sZ)
- Law and Informatics II (MPP516Zk, MPP723Zk, MPP930Zk, MxP516p, MxP723p, MxP930p)
- Law and Informatics II - seminar
- Law and Informatics II - seminar (MXP516sZ, MXP930sZ)
- Philosophy for Lawyers (MP101Zk, Mx101p)
- Philosophy for Lawyers - seminar
- Psychology for Lawyers (MP305Zk, Mx305p)
- Psychology for Lawyers - seminar
- Sociology for Law - seminar
- Sociology of Law (MP102Zk, Mx102p)
- Theory of Law I
- Theory of Law I
- Theory of Law I - seminar
- Theory of Law II (MP903Z, Mx903p)
- Theory of Law II - seminar
Spring 2000 at Faculty of Law
- Počítačové a informační systémy pro bakaláře. (BN201Z, BT201Z, Bx201p, Bx201sZ)
- Informatics for Law II (MPP418Zk, MPP609Zk, MPP809Zk, MxP418pZk, MxP609pZk, MxP809pZk)
- Informatics for Law II - seminar (MXP418sZ, MXP609sZ, MXP809sZ)
- Informatics for Law III
- Rhetoric (MV211Zk, Mx211pZk)
- Rhetoric - seminar
- Theory of Law II
- Theory of Law II
- Theory of Law II - seminar
Autumn 1999 at Faculty of Law
- Základy teorie práva. (BN101Zk, BN302Zk, BT101Zk, BT302Zk, Bx101pZk, Bx101sZ, Bx302pZk, BX302sZ)
- History of Law Theories (MP107Zk, Mx107pZk)
- History of Law Theories - seminar
- Informatics for Law I
- Law and Informatics II (MPP516Zk, MPP723Zk)
- Law and Informatics I
- Law and Informatics I
- Law and Informatics II (MxP516pZk, MxP723pZk)
- Law and Informatics II - seminar (MXP516sZ, MXP723sZ)
- Logical Analysis of Natural Language (MV116Zk, Mx116pZk)
- Logical Analysis of Natural Language - seminar
- Philosophy for Lawyers (MP101Zk, Mx101pZk)
- Philosophy for Lawyers - seminar
- Psychology for Lawyers (MP305Zk, Mx305pZk)
- Psychology for Lawyers - seminar
- Sociology for Law
- Sociology for Law - seminar
- Sociology of Law
- Theory of Law I
- Theory of Law I
- Theory of Law I - seminar
- Theory of Law II (MP903Z, Mx903p)
- Theory of Law II - seminar