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Department of Geological Sciences
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Kotlářská 267/2, 611 37 Brno, Pavilion 03
Kotlářská 267/2, 611 37 Brno, Pavilion 05 Kotlářská 267/2, 611 37 Brno, Pavilion 11 Kotlářská 267/2, 611 37 Brno, Pavilion 02 Correspondence Address: Kotlářská 267/2, 611 37 Brno |
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Courses taught
Autumn 2005 at Faculty of Science
- Assistance in education XI
- Assistance in education XII
- Assistance in education XIII
- Assistance in education XIV
- Assistance in education XIX
- Assistance in education XV
- Assistance in education XVI
- Assistance in education XVII
- Assistance in education XVIII
- Assistance in education XX
- Background research I
- Background research II
- Background research III
- Background research IV
- Bachelor work I
- Bachelor work II
- Basics of geological data treatment
- Basin analysis
- Building raw materials I
- Colloids in environment
- Contamination hydrogeology
- Diploma seminar III
- Diploma seminar IV
- Diploma work I (G7041, G7051)
- Diploma work II (G8041, G8051)
- Diploma work III (G9041, G9051)
- Diploma work IV (GA041, GA051)
- Distributin of Cenozoic herpetofauna
- Economic geology I
- Engineering geology the ways of utilization
- Environmentální geologie
- Experimetal mineralogy
- Finite-element method in tectonics
- General examen - geology
- Geochemie
- Geochemistry I
- Geochemistry of exogenous processes
- Geologický vývoj střední Evropy
- Geologie - bakalářská SZk
- Geology seminar
- Geotectonics
- Historical and Stratigraphical Geology II
- Historical ceramics
- Historická geologie
- Hydrogeologie
- Industrial minerals in Moravia and Silesia
- International course of speleology
- Interpretation of spectroscopic data in mineralogy
- Introduction in osteology of the reptiles
- Karst hydrogeology
- Karst regions in Czech Republic
- Ložisková geologie
- Magmatická a metamorfní petrologie
- Methods of Geological and Hydrogeological Research
- Methods of Hydrogeology
- Methods of laboratory research of minerals and rocks
- Methods of stratigraphy
- Metody výzk. hydroterm.ložisek
- Micropaleontology
- Microscopy for diploma students
- Microscopy for doctor students
- Mineralogical Crystallography
- Mineralogie
- Mineralogy and Geochemistry for Chemists
- Mineralogy and petrology
- Mineralogy I
- Mineralogy of granitic pegmatites
- Minerogenetic processes
- New findings in Quaternary
- New methods of microfacial research
- Nové poznatky v krystalochemii
- Nové poznatky z tafonomie
- Occupational health and safety
- Palaeogeography and palaeeobiology of the Late Precambrian and Palaeozoic
- Palaeontology I
- Paleontologie
- Paratethys
- Petrology II
- Petrophysics
- PhD seminar I
- PhD seminar II
- PhD seminar III
- PhD seminar IV
- PhD seminar V
- PhD seminar VI
- Physical geochemistry