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Department of Geological Sciences
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Kotlářská 267/2, 611 37 Brno, Pavilion 03
Kotlářská 267/2, 611 37 Brno, Pavilion 05 Kotlářská 267/2, 611 37 Brno, Pavilion 11 Kotlářská 267/2, 611 37 Brno, Pavilion 02 Correspondence Address: Kotlářská 267/2, 611 37 Brno |
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Courses taught
Autumn 2005 at Faculty of Science
- Physical geology I
- Pokroky v ložiskové geologii
- Požadavky druhů na prostředí II
- Practical Geology in Field - Crimea
- Principles of Metamorphic petrology
- Principles of Mineralogy
- Principles of speleology
- Příprava odborného textu k publikování
- Regional geology of the Bohemian Massif and West Carpathians
- Regional Geology of the World
- Regional hydrogeology
- Regionální geologie
- Rockforming fossils
- RTG-difraktometry
- Sedimentární geologie
- Seminar course
- Seminar course I. (thesis)
- Seminar course II
- Seminar course II. (thesis)
- Silicate Techology
- Současný stav a perspektivy paleontologie
- Structural analysis
- Systematic paleontology I
- Tektonika
- Thrust tectonics
- Volkanism in geological history of Moravia
- Waterworks activities
- Zlato - přírodní zdroje a společenský význam
Spring 2005 at Faculty of Science
- Ročníková práce I (G5041, G5051, G6001, G6041, G6051, G6301, G7051, G8051, G8261, G8271, G8361, G8381, G8931, G9021, G9041, G9051, GA021, GA041, GA051, GA391, GA641, GA661, GA751, GB001)
- Advanced Hydrogeochemistry
- Biolithology
- Building Stone in Architecture
- Course of Geological and Hydrogeological Mapping
- Data procesing using software in geology
- Deep Structure Petrology
- Diploma work I
- Diploma work II
- Doktorský seminář I
- Doktorský seminář II
- Doktorský seminář III
- Doktorský seminář IV
- Doktorský seminář V
- Doktorský seminář VI
- Economic geology II
- Elements of Geology and Paleontology
- Environmental Geology
- Environmental geology
- Envoronmental Geochemistry
- Epistemology in Geology
- Field Geological Course I
- Field Geological Course III
- Geochemistry II
- Geology of the Brno Region and its Environs
- Global Ecosystems and Biotic Crises During the History of the Earth
- Historical and Stratigraphical Geology I
- History of Mineralogy
- Hydrogeology
- Introduction to Geology
- Introduction to Taphonomy
- Karsology
- Magma Petrogenesis
- Magmatic and Metamorphic Rocks
- Metamorphic reactions
- Microscopy for diploma students
- Mineralogy II
- Minerals and Rock Microscopy
- Mining surveying course