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Courses taught
Spring 2006 at Faculty of Social Studies
- General sociological theory
- General Sociological Theory
- General sociology
- History of women's and feminist movement
- Changing Political and Social Identities in Post-Cold War Central Europe
- Introduction to Political Sociology
- Levelling Examination (for non-sociologists)
- Methodology of Social Sciences
- Methods of sociological research
- Minor paper seminar (SOC191, SOC791)
- Modernization, secularization, and social integration
- Peoples culture
- Philosophical theories of gender
- Project and its realization: education in stratification process
- Public Presentation of Dissertation
- Qualitative data analysis and interpretation
- Racism and the Idea of Race
- Research methodologies of gender problems
- Research Methods I: Fieldwork and Ethnography
- Research Methods in Sociology
- Sex and Gender. Gender Structure of Society
- Social and Cultural Aspects of International Migration
- Social reproduction and integration
- Social trauma
- Sociální antropologie lokálních kultur: Češi v Rumunsku
- Sociology of Culture
- Sociology of Ethnicity and Racism
- Sociology of Globalization
- Sociology of partnership and marital relationship
- Sociology of religion
- Sociology of stratification and inequality
- Sociology of stratification and unequality
- sociology of the family
- Sociology of things
- Texts from the General Sociology
- The public and the civic society
- Theoretical Sociology II
- Theory of Ethnicity and Nationalism
- Theory of probability and the statistical inference
- Thesis seminar (SOC201, SOC202, SOC203, SOC204, SOC205, SOC206, SOC207, SOC208, SOC209, SOC210, SOC211, SOC212, SOC213, SOC214, SOC215, SOC216, SOC217, SOC471, SOC472, SOC473, SOC474, SOC475, SOC476, SOC477, SOC478, SOC479, SOC480, SOC481, SOC482, SOC483, SOC484, SOC485, SOC486)
- Thesis Seminar (SOC801, SOC802, SOC803, SOC804, SOC805, SOC806, SOC807, SOC808, SOC809, SOC810, SOC811, SOC812, SOC813)
- TS - Ethnic Groups and Minorities
- TS - Foreign Studies
- TS - Social Reproduction and Integration
- Urban Sociology