QS Europe Rankings

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Since 2023, the QS Europe ranking joins the spectrum of Quacquarelli Symonds regional rankings. Other regions include Asia, Latin America & Carribean, Arab Region. In regard to the Czech Republic, QS Europe replaced the previously cancelled QS EECA ranking (last edition in 2021). The ranking involves institutions from member countries of the Council of Europe.

In the second edition of QS Europe, Masaryk University ranked 143rd. This year's ranking includes 685 European higher education institutions from 42 Council of Europe countries. ETZ Zurich, Imperial College London and the University of Oxford topped the list. Within the Czech Republic, 17 universities managed to achieve a ranking, with Charles University taking the top position and Masaryk University in second place. In the Eastern Europe sub-region, MU ranked 4th behind the CU, University of Warsaw and Jagiellonian University.

Masaryk University excels in the QS Europe ranking thanks to its strong position in the Employer Reputation, International Research Network, International Student Diversity and Sustainability indicators. It is also worth mentioning the best score among Czech universities in the Papers per Faculty indicator (measuring the number of publications per academic and R&D staff member).


The input data and the inclusion criteria correspond to the main QS WUR ranking. The European ranking takes into account regional specificities by varying the weight and the range of indicators. It places particular emphasis on the aspect of international outlook (25% of the ranking in total), and evaluates scientific research activities with different indicators than the QS WUR.

QS Europe Rankings indicators

  • 30% Academic Reputation

    Scores from reputation surveys among academics from the past 5 years. Academics select the top 30 global and top 10 domestic institutions based on research quality.

  • 10% Citations per paper

    Average number of citations (normalized by field) per publication in the Scopus database over the six-year reference period.

  • 5% Papers per Faculty

    Ratio of publications published in the reference five-year period and indexed in Scopus to the number of academic and R&D staff of the institution.

  • 15% Employer Reputation

    Scores from employer reputation surveys from the past 5 years. Respondents select the top 30 global and top 10 domestic institutions based on the quality of their graduates.

  • 5% Employment Outcomes

    It consists of two parameters - the proportion of graduates who found employment in the first 15 months after graduation and the number of graduates with a significant impact on society - the result is weighted by the number of students at the institution.

  • 5% Faculty Student Ratio

    The ratio of the number of studies to the FTE number of academic and R&D staff.

  • 10% International Research Network

    The number of foreign institutions with which the institution collaborates on publication activities and the number of international locations that are home to these collaborating institutions are included in the calculation.

  • 5% International Faculty

    Share of academic and R&D staff from abroad (including Slovakia) in the total number of academic and R&D staff.

  • 5% International Students Diversity

    The calculation of the indicators includes both the proportion of foreign students (including Slovakia) at the institution and the number of countries from which these students come.

  • 2,5% Inbound Exchange Student Ratio

    Ratio of foreign exchange students to the total number of students at the institution.

  • 2,5% Outbound Exchange Student Ratio

    Ratio of students of the institution going on an exchange study abroad in relation to the total number of students of the institution.

  • 5% Sustainability

    The score for this component is taken from an analysis of the separate QS Sustainability Rankings. The relative positioning of institutions in the QS Sustainability Rankings (Autumn 2023 edition) and in the Sustainability Indicator in the QS WUR (Spring 2024 edition) will therefore be the same.

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