Mgr. Oto Brzobohatý, Ph.D.
Total number of publications: 15
The Role of Secondary Electrons in Low Pressure rf Glow Discharge
WDS 2005 - Proceedings of Contributed Papers, year: 2005
Mirror effect in PECVD reactor and its explanation via MC-PIC computer simulation
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, year: 2004, volume: 2004, edition: 54
Monte Carlo and Particle in Cell Simulation of Mirror Effect in PECVD reactor
WDS'04 Proceedings of Contributed Papers, Part II, year: 2004
Optical Properties of Si Incorporated Diamond-like Carbon Films Deposited by RF PECVD
JUNIORMAT 01, year: 2001
Stanovení povrchové energie tenkých vrstev nanášených v plazmatu vysokofrekvenčního výboje
JUNIORMAT 01, year: 2001