doc. RNDr. Petr Sojka, Ph.D.
Associate professor, Department of Visual Computing
Office: C222
Botanická 554/68a
602 00 Brno
Phone: | +420 549 49 6966 |
social and academic networks: |
Total number of publications: 303
Grafika v TeXu (1)
Zpravodaj CSTUG, year: 1993, volume: 3, edition: 4
Grafika v TeXu (1)
Zpravodaj ÜVT, year: 1993, volume: 3, edition: 3
Grafika v TeXu (2)
Zpravodaj ÜVT, year: 1993, volume: 4, edition: 1
Informace o školení TeXu
Zpravodaj ÚVT MU, year: 1993, volume: III., edition: 3
Robustness and Generalization of Multilayer Neural Networks
Image Processing and Neural Networks 1993, year: 1993
Direct Approaches to Improving the Robustness of Multilayer Neural Networks
Artificial Neural Networks II: Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks ICANN 1999, year: 1992
TeX for Database Publishing
EuroTeX 1992: Proceedings of the 7th European TeX Conference, year: 1992
WANDER-A Graph Handling Tool
Proceedings of 13th ISDBMS '90, year: 1990
Naučí se TeX Češi?
Sborník přednášek SOFSEM 1989, year: 1989
Programovací jazyk Wander
Sborník přednášek SOFSEM 1989, year: 1989