Total number of publications: 255
Sources of H2O2 in cryostoraged and then cultured human embryos
Human. Reprod., year: 2004, volume: 19, edition: suppl.1
Ultrastructural parameters and developmental potential of human embryos after cryopreservation, thawing and culture
Prague Medical Report (Sborník lékařský), year: 2004, volume: 105, edition: 2
Failure of the in vitro fertilisation and production of hydrogen peroxide
Plzeňský lékařský sborník, year: 2003, volume: 78, edition: Suppl.
Struktural changes of mitochondria and reactive oxygen species production in human gametes, early embryos, and somatic cells
Scripta Medica, year: 2003, volume: 76, edition: 4
Submicroscopic structure of in vitro developed human blastocysts
Scripta Medica, year: 2003, volume: 76, edition: 3
Submikroskopická stavba a vývojový potenciál dlouhodobě kryokonzervovaných embryí
Asistovaná reprodukce, 13, č.1, year: 2003
Ultrastructural parameters and developmental potential of human embryos after cryopreservation, thawing and culture
Morphology 2003, year: 2003
Differences in the occurrence of peroxisomes in human and mouse oocytes and their cumuli oophori
Scripta Medica, year: 2002, volume: 75, edition: 6
Failure of the in vitro fertilisation and production of hydrogen peroxide
Trendy a perspektivy současné morfologie, year: 2002
Korelace mezi klinicky stanovenou kvalitou blastocyst a jejich submikroskopickou stavbou
Asistovaná reprodukce, year: 2002