Total number of publications: 257
. Reproductive function protection in women undergoing chemotherapy for hematological malignancy.
Human Reproduction, year: 2005
Induction of the cell death by the ROS during fertilization in mouse and human
43rd Congress of the Czech Anatomical Society and 42nd Lojda Symposium "Progress in Basic, Applied and Diagnostic Histochemistry", year: 2005
Kryokonzervace ovariální tkáně: šance k záchraně fertility u ženy s rakovinou
Praktická gynekologie, year: 2005, volume: 9, edition: 6
Možnosti ochrany reprodukčních funkcí u žen podstupujících chemoterapii pro hematologickou malignitu.
Praktická gynekologie, year: 2005, volume: 1(9), edition: 1
Reproductive function protection in women undergoing chemotherapy for hematological malignancy
ESHRE abstract book, Human Reproduction Suppl 2005, year: 2005, volume: 1, edition: S1
Sperm donation programme at the centre of assisted reproduction in Brno: results from 1995-2005
Scripta medica, year: 2005, volume: 78, edition: 6
Endogenní zdroje oxidativního stresu během preimplantačního vývoje lidských embryí
Praktická gynekologie, year: 2004, volume: 5
Endogenous sources of hydrogen peroxide and in vitro development of human embryo
New Approaches in Morphology (42nd Congress of the Slovak Anatomical Society with International Participation), year: 2004
Etické a legislativní otázky odběru a užití spermií zemřelého
Česká gynekologie, year: 2004, volume: 69/2004, edition: 4
Production of H2O2 in human embryos after long-lasting cryopreservation and subsequent culture
V. Moravský morfologický den, year: 2004