Total number of publications: 257
Kryokonzervace spermatu před onkologickou léčbou - 7 let zkušeností
Česká gynekologie, year: 2002, volume: 67, edition: 6
Peroxisomes in human and mouse oocyte-cumulus complexes
Hum. Reprod., year: 2002, volume: 17, edition: Abstr.Book
Sperm cryopreservation before cancer treatment - 7 year experience.
Hum. Reprod., year: 2002, volume: 17, edition: Suppl. 1
Sperm cryopreservation before cancer treatment - 7 year experience.
Hum. Reprod., year: 2002, volume: 17, edition: Suppl. 1
Ultracytochemical detection of peroxisomes in human and mouse oocyte-cumulus complexes
Progress in basic, applied and diagnostic histochemistry, year: 2002
Cytochemická detekce peroxidu vodíku v čerstvých a zmrazených vzorcích lidského spermatu
Nové poznatky v morfológii (Súbor vedeckých prác), year: 2001
Cytochemická detekce zdrojů peroxidu vodíku v kultivačním systému v průběhu fertilizace in vitro u člověka
Scripta Medica, year: 2001, volume: 74, edition: 6
Differences in the occurrence of peroxisomes in human and mouse oocytes and their cumuli oophori
III. Moravský morfologický den (Sborník abstrakt), year: 2001
Reduced numbers of retrieved oocytes in smoking women
Scripta medica (Brno), year: 2001, volume: 73, edition: 5
The outcome of infertility treatment by in vitro fertilisation in smoking and non-smoking women.
Central European Journal of Public Health, year: 2001, volume: 9, edition: 2