Project information
Educational Role of the National Heritage Institute: Education as the key instrument improving quality of the care for the cultural heritage of the Czech Republic
- Project Identification
- DF12P01OVV014
- Project Period
- 1/2012 - 12/2015
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Ministry of Culture of the CR
- Applied research and development of national and cultural identity 2011 - 2017
- MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Education
- Mgr. Jiří Mihola, Ph.D.
- PhDr. Aleš Filip, Ph.D.
- doc. Mgr. Dušan Klapko, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Bc. Alice Křížová Stuchlíková, Ph.D.
- Cooperating Organization
Charles University
National Heritage Office
The core objective is an applied research and development; the results will gain an effective social use. They contribute to the creation of the system of educational programs in the sphere of movable and immovable cultural heritage, including historical seats, cultural landsape and archaelogical monuments. The target groups are children and youth, families with cihildren, general and professional public. The proposal of the system will be comprehensive and research-based. The construction of its programmes and their applications enable to utilize about 100 open-accessed historical objects of NMI. The programs respect various types of education, including lifelong learning. The accent on both the educational use of cultural heritage and the systematic support of non/in-formal learning helps better to mirror the national and cultural identification. Interactive forming of relationships to domestic cultural heritage enables to reveal the role of the national heritage in European context and to understand its uniqueness as a part of modern European identity. In connection with global trends, the educational activities will capitalize both the educational potential of authentic environment of historical objects and digital technologies. They will be instrumental both to effective presentations of monumental values and to the development of intelligence, creativity and value orientation of target groups, in favour of voluntary and sustainable care for cultural herigage. The original solutions will be presented on international platforms. The network of educational centres of NMI secures relevance and accessibility of projekct outputs; the centres will cooperate on forming, implementation and evaluation of educational programs. The outputs will provide methodical support for both state and non-state monumental care, coming in useful on all levels of formal education and in non-profic sector. They also improve the quality supply for the development of tourism.
Total number of publications: 40
Památky nás baví: Edukace jako cesta k rozvoji udržitelné péče o kulturní dědictví v České republice
Year: 2014, number of pages: 277 s.
Současné přístupy k edukaci na památkových objektech NPÚ
Múzeum, year: 2014, volume: 60, edition: 1
Studenti posledního ročníku galerijní pedagogiky a zprostředkování umění Katedry výtvarné výchovy Pedagogické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity jako mediátoři památek: příspěvek k projektu Památky nás baví
Year: 2014, type: Requested lectures
The Museum and Gallery Pedagogy in the Service of the National Heritage Institute: Contribution to Project Sights we Like [conference abstract]
Year: 2014, type: Conference abstract
Zprostředkování architektury v pátém ročníku Týdne výtvarné kultury
Year: 2014, type: Requested lectures
Evaluace edukačních programů aneb Památky baví i promlouvají
Year: 2013, type: Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Inspirace pro hradní a zámecké pedagogy
Year: 2013, type: Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Loga projektu se sloganem Památky nás baví: podklady na seminář NAKI, Praha 9.–10. 4. 2013
Year: 2013, type: Conference abstract
Loga: forma, obsah a návrhy pro projekt se sloganem Památky nás baví
Year: 2013, type: Requested lectures
Současné přístupy k edukaci na památkových objektech NPÚ
Year: 2013, type: Conference