Project information
State and activities of the church orders and congregations in Moravia 1790-1918
- Project Identification
- GA409/05/2184
- Project Period
- 1/2005 - 12/2007
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Czech Science Foundation
- Standard Projects
- MU Faculty or unit
- Faculty of Education
- Keywords
- history, 19th Century, church orders, congregations, monasteries
The issue of clerical orders, monasteries and monastic life in terms of general and church history ranks among the issues that are often elaborated nowadays. However, most scholars focus their attention on the most prosperous period of the monastic institutions during th Middle Ages or Baroque period. Many of these works also give privilege to Czech area. The goal of submitted project is to draw up a picture of monastic life in Moravia during th "long" 19th century. The pivotal parts of the thesis will be devoted to the status of monastic institutions after the Joseph´s reforms, subsequent revival of monastic life and its blossom in the second half of the 19th century, including the genesis of new institutions, the role of regulars in the field of science, education and culture within the period of the National Revival and formation of modern Czech society. With regards to the situation in existing literature the study of primary sources will have a dominant significance. Apart from the collections in convents´ archives of individual monitored orders and congregations, the following sources will be used in particular: the Moravian Land Archive - the Brno Bishop Ordination Fund, the Brno Bishop Consistory Fund, the Moravian Vice-regency Fund - clerical department, the Moravian Vice-regency Fund - general, the Moravian Vice-regency Fund - presidium, the Land Archive in Opava - the Olomouc Archbishop´s Consistory Fund, the Olomouc Archbishopric Fund. The anticipated output will be, apart from partial studies in professional journals and proceedings, a monograph outlining digestedly and within a more general historical framework and consequences the situation, activity, specifications and personalities of monastic institutions (orders and congregations) acting, or newly established or restored in Moravia in the 19th century.
The goal of the project was to deliver a critical picture of the situation of monastic institutions and their activities in Moravia during the "long" 19th century. The starting point was a description of the impact of the Joseph’s reforms on the monastic life in the Moravian region (including the issue of a crisis in the orders that were not abolished). The particular and main results of the project are concentrated on the development changes of monastic life, there is also an illustration of activity, outstanding personalities and spirituality of the most famous church orders and congregations. A special area was paid to the architecture and inside decoration of the monasteries. The fulfilment of the project is also included in appreciation of the monks activities in the field of science, education and culture as well as medical and social area of the montioned period.
Total number of publications: 38
Nutzlose und gefährliche Untertanen. Zur Aufhebung der Paulanerkonvente der deutsch-tschechisch-ungarischen Provinz in den Jahren 1784-1803.
Bettelorden in Mitteleuropa. Geschichte, Kunst, Spiritualität., year: 2008
Zánik německo-česko-uherské provincie řádu paulánů v letech 1784-1803. Příspěvek k dějinám josefinismu.
Sborník prací Pedagogické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity, řada společenských věd 22, year: 2008, volume: 2008, edition: 22
Československo 1945-1992
Year: 2007, type: Editing of thematic compilation, editing of monothematic issue of profesional journal
K problematice ženských řeholních institucí a jejich místu ve společnosti na Moravě v 19. století v kontextu dějepisné výuky
Problematika sociálních skupin ve výuce společenskovědních předmětů, year: 2007
K situaci v moravských klášteřích v pojosefinské době
Sborník prací pedagogické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity, řada společenských věd 22, year: 2007, volume: 22/2007
Atlas Marianus Marchionatus Moraviae - eine Quelle zur Problematik der barocken marianischen Wallfahrtstraditionen in Mähren
Wallfahrten in der europäischen Kultur. Pilgrimage in European Culture., year: 2006
Reformator Kościola i mosty między konfesjami
Historia-Pamięć-Tożsamość, year: 2006
Řeholníci ve svatých a zbožných skutcích zvláště pevní. K dějinám paulánského konventu sv. Matouše v Brtnici
Mezi Jihlavou a Vídní 1700 – 1900., year: 2006