Project information
Synthesis of new Si-O(N)-C materials by plasmachemical methods

Project Identification
Project Period
1/2005 - 12/2007
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Science
plasmachemical deposition, PECVD, organosilicons, plasma polymers, hard coatings, plasma treatment

Objectives of the project are the preparation of new Si-O-C:H polymers variable in their nanostructure and organic-inorganic character and the preparation of hard protective Si-O-C and Si-N-C coatings exhibiting low internal stress and good adhesion to various substrates. These materials will be prepared in continuos wave and pulsed radio frequency glow discharges using organosilicon reactants. The film properties will be optimized for expected applications by changing deposition parameters, especially composition of reactive mixture, degree of ion bombardment, on-time and off-time. Processes during the deposition will be studied by several plasma diagnostics methods in order to understand a correlation between these processes and final film properties. In the same time the procedure of plasma treatment leading to good film adhesion will be determined. The results will be published at international conferences and published in refereed journals.


Total number of publications: 16

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