Project information
Atlas of German Dialects II - Northern Moravia
- Project Identification
- GA405/07/0697
- Project Period
- 1/2007 - 12/2011
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Czech Science Foundation
- Standard Projects
- MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Education
- PhDr. Mojmír Muzikant, CSc.
- PhDr. Richard Rothenhagen
- Keywords
- remaining German Dialects, direct investigation and transcription, questionnaire, the area quadrant network
The aim of the proposed Project is to record and document the remaining German dialects which were spoken in Northern Moravia. For this purpose the German dialectal speakers who live in Northern Moravia permanently will be traced and contacted. The whole surveyed territory is divided into quadrants 7 km long and there is a rule the every quadrant should be represented by one dialectical speaker at least. The linguistic data will be gained by a direct method - filling the respondents answers to a ready-printed questionnaire in a transcribed form. The progress of explorations will be redcorded at a data medium. The acquired linguistic data will be used into the consideration the results of partial national resolving teams of Germany and Austria by the processing of language atlas of German dialect within the Czech Republic territory in the area of vocabulary and its geography.
The presented output in a form of publication “Small Language Atlas of German Dialects in Moravia” represents completion
of almost a ten-year period of dialectal speakers’ explorations, evaluation and classification of acquired language data,
their bringing into spatial context and comments procession. Unlike partial explorations conducted until the end of 2nd
World War which lacked holistic view and most importantly confirmation of explored phenomena on determined language
material and unified method, the presented output represents a piece of work which is fully comparable with the
generation of large language atlases such as “Sprachatlas von Nordostbayern”, “Sprachatlas von Unterfranken”,
Sprachatlas von Mittelfranken”, “Sprachatlas von Bayerisch-Schwaben”, etc. These atlases were created in the last
decades in a team cooperation in Germany. The acquired collection of dialectal data is unique because examined language
entity is time irreversible, language code is in a majority of cases untransmittable. The extent of collection enables further
exploration and evaluation.
Total number of publications: 28
Verkleinerungsformen in den deutschen Dialekten Mährens und Schlesiens - eine historische Reminiszenz
Sprachen verbinden Beiträge der 24. Linguistik- und Literaturtage, Brno/Tschechien, 2016, year: 2018
Atlas der deutschen Mundarten in Tschechien. Band III Lautlehre 2: Langvokale und Diphthonge
Year: 2016, type: Editorship of scientific publication
Atlas der deutschen Mundarten in Tschechien. Band IV Lautlehre 3: Konsonanten
Year: 2016, type: Editorship of scientific publication
Einige Besonderheiten der deutschen Mundarten in Mähren, Schlesien und in den Sprachinseln
Year: 2016, type: Requested lectures
Verkleinerungsformen im Sprachgebiet Mährens und Schlesiens
Year: 2016, type: Requested lectures
Deutsche Mundarten und Mundarträume in Mähren - eine historische Reminiszenz
Deutsch ohne Grenzen Linguistik, year: 2015
Atlas der deutschen Mundarten in Tschechien. Band II Lautlehre 1: Kurzvokale.
Year: 2014, type: Editorship of scientific publication
Atlas der deutschen Mundarten in Tschechien. Band VI Lexik 1: Pflanzen und Tiere
Year: 2014, type: Editorship of scientific publication
Personalpronomen im Schönhengst als mögliches Indiz für die Herkunft der deutschen Siedler
Linguistica Pragensia, year: 2014, volume: 24/2014, edition: 2
Zur Wiedergabe des mhd. ó in den deutschen Dialekten Mährens
Germanica Wratislaviensia, year: 2014, volume: Neuveden, edition: 139