Publication details

Verkleinerungsformen im Sprachgebiet Mährens und Schlesiens

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Title in English Diminutives in the German Dialects in Moravia and Silesia


Year of publication 2016
Type Requested lectures
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The polarity between diminutive suffixes -la, -le of West Bavarian origin (Northern Moravia and Schönhengst) and suffixes -l, -dl, -al of East Bavarian origin (language islands of Vyškov, Brno and Jihlava) is clearly being shaped. Transitions and rarities are not excluded at the same time. Concerning diminutive “Keil” there is a periphrastic form which prevails in the whole examined area. The suffix -lain partially occurs in Northern Moravia and Schönhengst. It has also been recorded in Jihlava and Olomouc language islands but only in isolated cases. The occurrence of the suffix -chen is limited to large cities and areas with equalizing tendencies. Middle Bavarian vocalisation of liquid in the suffix -al is documented in one case in Jihlava language island.
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