Project information
Extending and reinforcing good practice in teacher development (ERGP)

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Project Identification
Project Period
9/2016 - 8/2019
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
European Union
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Social Studies
Cooperating Organization
University of Economics in Bratislava
Tartu Ülikool
Central European University
Lunds Universitet
Staff and Educational Development Association

Our project aims to enhance quality of university education in Europe through facilitating professional development of university teachers.

This aim should be achieved by
1) offering an educational development course, which is particularly designed for teaching environments with prevalent teaching-centred practices and with lack of opportunities for teachers’ systematic reflection over their practice;
2) assessing the factors that support/limit the transfer of knowledge and skills from educational development course to teachers’ pedagogic practice;
3) introducing a program for new educational developers.

If you would like more information, please email the project coordinator, Dr. Gabriela Pleschová (

For more details on the newly designed course and the call for applications see


Project outcomes:

  • curriculum of a new course on HE pedagogy
  • evaluation of the outcomes of the newly designed course at the individual level
  • evaluation of the course outcomes at higher levels (mezzo level or beyond)
  • a comparative study of two programs for teachers in higher education and their outcomes
  • a book containing case studies into changing student learning
  • curriculum of a program for future course leaders

Researched topics:

  • the role of trust in program participant relationships and program outcomes
  • the nature of conversations about teaching and learning in participant workgroups and how they constrain/support participants while working to improve student learning
  • the nature of participant relationships with their significant others and how they influence participants’ pedagogic conceptions and teaching

Co-funded by Erasmus+ program of the European Union 2016-1-SK01-KA203-022551.


Total number of publications: 5

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