Project information
Intergenerational Learning: children, parents and grandparents in non-formal education and informal learning

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Project Identification
Project Period
1/2009 - 12/2011
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Czech Science Foundation
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Arts
social learning, nonformal education, informal learning, family, children, parents, grandparents

The project deals with intergenerational learning in the context of family life, the term referring to phenomena and processes facilitating bidirectional transfer of knowledge, experience and attitudes within the family. It is a part of social learning taking place in situations in the family, during interaction and activities shared by the participant generations (children, parents, grandparents). The project focuses on non-formal intergenerational learning, i.e. joint participation of children and parents (grandparents) in courses and programs of non-formal education, and informal intergenerational learning, i.e. joint activities of children and their parents (grandparents) which the family organize themselves. The main research question of the project is "What is it that children, parents and grandparents learn from one another and which kind of opportunities do they have for that within non-formal education and informal learning?" The project has been inspired by the ongoing transformation of the current Czech family and the new models of family behaviour occurring in consequence of both external and internal conditions shaping family functioning. Educational studies dealing with these issues in the processes of family upbringing and education have not been available yet.


Total number of publications: 15

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