Project information
InDiv-EU: Integrating Diversity in the EU (InDiv-EU)

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Project Identification
Project Period
1/2019 - 12/2021
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
European Union
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Law
Cooperating Organization
University of Amsterdam
European University Institute
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Uniwersytet Warszawski
Universiteit Utrecht
ETH Zürich
London School of Economics and Political Science
University of Juraj Dobrila in Pula

InDivEU begins from the assumption that managing deep diversity is a continuous and growing challenge to the EU arising from deep-rooted tensions between centripetal and centrifugal forces across the continent.
Differentiated integration (DI) is one of the key governance strategies developed by the Union to meet the challenge of variation in the preferences and capabilities of its member states and near neighbours. The issues raised by DI for the EU have grown ever more salient as the consequences of Brexit unfold and have been met by calls from President Macron for fundamental reform of the Union. One of the five scenarios in the 2017 Commission White Paper on the Future of Europe relates directly to DI, namely Scenario 3 which argues that Those Who Want More Do More . This contrasts with scenario 5 which argues for Doing Much More Together. InDivEU, with its cutting edge consortium, takes on the challenge of comprehensively theorising and analysing DI from a normative, historical, legal, institutional, governance and policy perspective. The analytical framework is built on examining the demand and supply of DI across time, space and function. InDivEU distinguishes between internal and external differentiation and offers both a macro-longitudinal analysis and in-depth case studies of key policy areas. Central to InDivEU is the recognition that the unprecedented development of European governance, including DI, has led to greater contestation among the public and political parties in the member states, yet at the same time the EU is more reliant on popular support for its continued development than ever before. InDivEU examines how citizens, political parties and member state governments view DI. InDivEU will culminate in the development of robust models and scenarios of DI which will assist policy makers in the future design of DI and foster debate on Europe's future choices.


Total number of publications: 6

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