Project information
Research and development and industrializartion of novel super hard nanocrystalline materials

Project Identification
ME 367
Project Period
7/2000 - 6/2002
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Science

Development and industrialization of new superhard nanocristalline TiN/AlN/SiN coatings in collaboration with the Institut for Inorganic Materials, Munich, Germany and SHM company will be realized. Department of Physical Electronics will specialize in monitoring of plasma processes running during the deposition of superhard coatings using preferable optical spectroscopy and probe methods. On the base of spectral and probe measurements we develop simple detectors making possible to monitor plasmachemical processes in order to obtain superhard coatings with optimal mechanical properties. Moreover, the microwave experimetal set-up (the ASTEX type) for the depositon od diamond-like coatings, BN type will be arranged at MU. We also develop other deposition device generating plasma with homogenuos radial profile. A new high frequency generator with inductively coupled plasma for the deposition of nanocomposite materials like CN/SiO and CN/SiN will be developed, too.


Total number of publications: 24

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