Project information
Multi-factor analysis of company successfulness
- Project Identification
- GA402/00/0368
- Project Period
- 1/2000 - 1/2002
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Czech Science Foundation
- Standard Projects
- MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Economics and Administration
- doc. Ing. Ivan Hálek, CSc.
The ground of the designed project will deal with the theoretical analysis of the economic transformation process based on empirical research in the entrepreneurial sphere. The result will be the assessment of the impact of these processes on the success fulness of the Czech company. The objective of the project is to evaluate forms and relations of key structures in selected companies and the dynamics of their changes. The standard of the successfulness of the companies will be the values of their summa rised financial factors in relations with other key factors determining the operation with the potential of the companies. On the basis of the results achieved a methodology of key factors typology will be worked out. The methodology will arrange the fac tors according to their share in the company's successfulness. The knowledge gained will be generalised and used for the formation of the basis of a commonly used multifactor analysis of the company's successfulness. It is expected, the method will help
Total number of publications: 209
Indexové investice
Year: 2001, edition: 1.Vydání, number of pages: 274 s.
Informace nástroj řízení
Faktory úspěšnosti podniku, year: 2001
Informační systém podniku a jeho implementace
Faktory úspěšnosti podniku, year: 2001
Inovace a High-Tech
Faktory úspěšnosti podniku, year: 2001
Insight into retail SME and their attitude towards the IT/IS
Small and medium firm management with computer support, year: 2001
K širším souvislostem vývoje podnikatelského prostředí v České republice
Podnikatelské prostredie v Slovenskej republike - súčasný stav a perspektívy III. Sborník z vědecké konference., year: 2001
Know-how českých podniků
Faktory úspěšnosti podniku, year: 2001
Kritéria úspěšnosti firmy
Česká ekonomika na přelomu tisíciletí, year: 2001
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Faktory úspěšnosti podniku, year: 2001
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