Publication details

Ohlédnutí za návštěvami škol a fází hodnocení příprav

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Title in English School inspections and the phase of lesson plans evaluation in retrospection


Year of publication 2012
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference CLIL do škol. Sborník konference
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords CLIL; didactic tools; modes of classroom organization; multiple intelligences; phases of instruction
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Description The article presents an overview of selected types of activities, teaching procedures, modes of classroom organization, phases of instruction and teaching materials and didactic tools used in teachers' lesson plans in a EU research project entitled Development of methodological materials and procedures for the introduction of English teaching through CLIL in the subjects of second grade of primary schools and lower grade of secondary schools and based on the results of this research evaluates whether the recommendations of the experts in the field of introducing CLIL into teaching were reflected in the teachers' lesson plans.
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