Publication details

Pragmatic awareness in teacher education



Year of publication 2012
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Acta academica karviniensia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Linguistics
Keywords pragmatic awareness; pragmatics; language learning; teacher education; productive language skills; receptive language skills; communicative language competences; linguistic competences; sociolinguistic competences; pragmatic competences
Description The paper aims to investigate how students as (future) teachers of English view the study of pragmatics and its role in language education, and whether they are ready to adopt a pragmatic awareness approach in their own teaching. The author has analysed students’ suggestions about how to use in their teaching the theoretical knowledge and practical skills they have acquired in the Pragmatics course, with special regard to productive and receptive language skills, and the communicative language competences, i.e. the linguistic, sociolinguistic and pragmatic competences, as recognized by Trim (2005) within the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, since the balance between productive and receptive language skills on the one hand and the mastering of the communicative language competences on the other are regarded as indispensable components of the learning and teaching process.

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