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Přehled vybraných kritických sociálních teorií jako inspirativní zdroj pro sociální inkluzi sociálně znevýhodněných žáků v kontextu divadla ve výchově

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Title in English Overview of selected critical social theory as an inspirational source for the social inclusion of socially disadvantaged pupils in the context of theater in education


Year of publication 2013
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description In this chapter, we focus on a comparison of the main ideas and concepts selected critical social theory. Points of comparison is the contribution of selected theories for the implementation of social inclusion and open dialogue within the school socialization. School socialization is simulated in the context of theater in education. The text aims to map out the general issues of structural inequality of power producing so-called socially disadvantaged groups of pupils and describe opportunities for social inclusion in education.
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