Project information
Atlas of German dialects in the Czech Republic (ADT)

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Project Identification
Project Period
1/2003 - 12/2005
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Czech Science Foundation
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Education
Atlas of Languages, German dialects, Czech Republic Territory

The aim of the proposed Project is to record and document the remaining German dialects in Czech Republic Territory by means of direct investigation and the transcription of spoken dialect texts. Folowing the Czech and German dialectology traditions, the Project methodologically ensues from the well-proven practice of the Bavarian Atlas of Languages. For systematic investigation, an area quadrant network within the surveyed territory has been developed together with a systematic questionnaire in order to record the dialect texts in writing. Also, contact with respondents has been established. The collected linguistic data will be computerized and analysed in terms of different linguistic levels. The dialect atlas resulting from the data analyses will complete current research into German dialects within Czech Republic territory, and, with Czech Language Atlas, will help to throw light on the reason for, and the spread of, language changes in th diaspora.


Total number of publications: 18

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