Publication details

Supramolecular Storage and Controlled Photorelease of an Oxidizing Agent using a Bambusuril Macrocycle

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TORTI Edoardo HAVEL Václav YAWER Mirza Arfan LUDVÍKOVÁ Lucie BABIAK Michal KLÁN Petr ŠINDELÁŘ Vladimír

Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Periodical
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Macromolecular chemistry
Keywords anion recognition; bambusurils; controlled release; macrocycles; self-assembly
Description The oxidizing ability of peroxodisulfate upon complexation inside the Bambusuril macrocycle cavity is inhibited. This dianionic agent can be released on demand from its stable 1:1 complex in water (log K-a = 6.9 M-1) by addition of a more strongly bound anion, such as iodide (log K-a = 7.1 M-1), which can also be delivered in situ upon irradiation from a 4-hydroxyphenacyl iodide derivative with spatial and temporal precision. The oxidizing properties of peroxodisulfate ions liberated from the complex recover and can take part in subsequent chemical transformations.
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