Publication details

Improving measurement precision using automated micro-axial tomography



Year of publication 2003
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Biophysics of the Genome
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Citation Chyba/Error
Field Use of computers, robotics and its application
Keywords human genome structure; image analysis
Description Distance measurement between small targets plays an important role in human genome research. The precision of such measurements depends on the quality of images, the localisation precision of the targets and the orientation of the line connecting the targets. In micro-axial tomography, the observed objects (cells) are fixed to a glass fibre, which can be rotated. By rotating the fibre the orientation of the measured targets can be changed. The relationship between the localisation precision and the orientation of the targets has been studied in simple simulations. In micro-axial tomography, two main approaches to measurement exist. Either one high-resolution image is reconstructed from the acquired tilted images and the measurements are performed on the single image or the images in the series are measured separately and the results are combined. Both approaches are compared and discussed here.
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