Publication details

Educational Needs of Adults in the Czech Republic



Year of publication 2005
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The paper sums up some results of a project called Adult education in different stages of the life cycle: priorities, opportunities and potential for development. This project, supported by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, is currently implemented by the Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Brno. One of the goals of the project is to map educational needs of the adult population in the Czech Republic through empirical research on a representative sample of population in the Czech Republic, One of the starting points of the research was the assumption that every individual living in contemporary society (knowledge society) has certain educational needs. In contrast with that empirical findings show that two thirds of the Czech adult population neither identify nor saturate any educational needs. In those individuals that have identified a certain need or even saturate it needs related to the occupational domain dominate.
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