Publication details

Iatrogenní perforace kořene – důsledky pro tkáně parodontu

Title in English Iatrogenic root perforation – implication of periodontal tissue


Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Interdental 2008 - 16. medzinárodný stomatologický kongres a výstava - zborník prednášok
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Keywords Iatrogenic perforation; pulp and a periodontal tissue
Description Iatrogenic perforation of a tooth root and a pulpal floor is a serious complication of a dentistry treatment, within a communication between a pulp and a periodontal tissue opens. This situation can severely worsen a prognosis of the involved tooth and sometimes it can lead to a tooth extraction. This artificial opening can occur during an uncareful caries preparation, endodontic access preparation, improper canal instrumentation and a preparation of the post space. Despite technological advancement in techniques and in endodontic instrumentation, this defect is sometimes hard to avoid due to extreme variability in a root canal anatomy, root curvatures, and a canal calcification. A communication of a root and a pulp space with the periodontal tissues may lead to short-term or long-term complications and may cause a secondary periodontal involvement. Adverse periodontal tissue responses are the inflammation in periodontal tissues, sinus tract, periodontal pocket or absces formation and furcation involvement. There is also a loss of attachment and a destruction of a bone in the area adjacent to the defect. A prognosis of a tooth with a root perforation depends on several factors. The most important aspects are a period between occurrence and adequate treatment, its location in relation to the gingival sulcus and a size of the lesion. The goal of a treatment is an excelent sealing of the perforation with a suitable repair material in order to prevent a bacterial contamination and a progress of periodontal complication. The lecture gives an overview of present status of a tooth root and a pulpal floor perforations and provides an information about causes, diagnostics, clinical symptoms, prognosis and treatment of this defects. The lecturer demonstrates her own cases and presents successes and failures within a treatment of root perforation.

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