Publication details

Electrochemical DNA Sensors Based on Adsorptive and Elimination Techniques


TRNKOVÁ Libuše JELEN František ADAM Vojtěch KIZEK René

Year of publication 2011
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description Electrochemistry-based sensors offer good sensitivity, separation ability, low cost for the detection of ODNs and selected DNA sequences or of muteted genes associated with diseases. Numerous developed approaches, such as the platforms or direct or indirect electrochemistry DNA, specific redox indicator, or mediated charge transport, can be improved by the adsorptive stripping technique in connection with elimination voltammetry with linear scan (AdS EVLS). Here we verify our idea on the electrode systems of homo-and hetero-oligodeoxynuleotides (ODNs) including hairpins. The EVLS was applied to the resolution of reduction signals of adenine (A) and cytosine (C) in short synthetic ODNs. The Ads EVLS results showed that the elimination functions chosen are also useful for the study not only of cathodic but also of anodic processes, especially for the anodic processes of guanine. Due to AdS EVLS or AdTS EVLS we are able to evaluate the ODN structure changes on electrode surfaces.
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