Publication details

Laktózová tolerance versus laktózová intolerance - II. část

Title in English Lactose tolerance versus lactose intolerance


Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Sestra v diabetologii
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Field Endocrinology, diabetology, metabolism, nutrition
Keywords lactose intolerance; milk
Description Although the tolerance of lactose in varying degrees occurs in people throughout the world, for certain population groups characterized by higher or lower form of lactose intolerance. In the literature it is described as hypolaktázie or non-persistence of lactase (lactase deficiency). Varies with age or due to the current "fitness" of the small intestine. Main symptoms of lactose intolerance symptoms are quite clear, but also quite non-specific, easily mistaken for symptoms of frequent or less frequent diseases of the digestive tract. The correct diagnosis can be no use of special tests complicated by lactase activity. Nutritional advice depends heavily on understanding the individual circumstances of lactose intolerance, which is then easy to moderate suitable choice of foods containing lactose.

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