Total number of publications: 592
Upconversion-Linked Branched DNA Hybridization Assay for the Detection of Bacteriophage M13
Advanced Optical Materials, year: 2025, volume: 13, edition: 2, DOI
Uplatňování zásady minimalizace podle GDPR v kontextu personalizace reklamy aneb více (ne)znamená lépe
Právní rozhledy, year: 2025, volume: 33, edition: 1
Use of Telehealth in Autism Spectrum Disorder Assessment in Children: Evaluation of an Online Diagnostic Protocol Including the Brief Observation of Symptoms of Autism
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, year: 2025, DOI
Using Polycaprolactone Nanofibers for the Proof-of-Concept Construction of the Alveolar-Capillary Interface
JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS RESEARCH PART A, year: 2025, volume: 113, edition: 1, DOI
Using the Intersectional Approach to Social Policy to Investigate the Adult Worker Model
Social Policy and Society, year: 2025, DOI
Utilizing novel cationic phenylpyridine labeling in glycan profiling by capillary electrophoresis coupled to mass spectrometry
Talanta, year: 2025, volume: 285, edition: Neuvedeno, DOI
Vancomycin wound penetration in open-heart surgery patients receiving negative pressure wound therapy for deep sternal wound infection
Annals of Medicine, year: 2025, volume: 57, edition: 1, DOI
Více možností pro korekci presbyopie
Česká oční optika, year: 2025
Víceúrovňová právní argumentace: proč pluralita není pluralismus
Pravnik, year: 2025, volume: 164, edition: 1
Videofluoroscopic Swallow Study in Diagnostics of H-Type Tracheoesophageal Fistula in Children
Ear, Nose & Throat Journal, year: 2025, DOI