doc. Mgr. Zdeněk Navrátil, Ph.D.
Associate professor, Plasma Diagnostics and Modelling
office: pav. 06/02002
Kotlářská 267/2
611 37 Brno
phone: | +420 549 49 6040 |
e‑mail: |
Total number of publications: 150
Deposition of Polymer Coatings in Atmospheric pressure glow discharge
JUNIORMAT '03 4th International Conference Proceedings, year: 2003
Deposition of polymer films in diffuse coplanar surface discharge
Proceedings of 16th ISPC, year: 2003
Deposition of protective hydrophobic thin films in surface discharge at atmospheric pressure
Proceedings of 16th ISPC, year: 2003
Deposition of thin organosilicon polymer films in atmospheric pressure glow discharge
Proceedings of 16th ISPC, year: 2003
Depozice hydrofobních polymerových vrstev v povrchovém barierovém výboji za atmosfericlého tlaku
Sborník Juniormat'03 4th International Conference, year: 2003
Optical diagnostics of atmospheric pressure glow discharge in nitrogen with admixture of organosilicon
Proceedings of ICPIG XXVI, year: 2003
Plasma diagnostics of surface discharge at atmospheric pressure in nitrogen and organosilicon mixture
XV Symposium on Physics of Switching Arc, Vol I, Contributed Papers, year: 2003
Surface treatment in atmospheric pressure glow discharge
XV Symposium on Physics of Switching Arc, Vol I, Contributed Papers, year: 2003
Utilization of atmospheric pressure glow discharge for the deposition of thin polymer films
WDS'03 Proceedings of Contributed Papers: Part II - Physics of Plasmas and Ionized Media, year: 2003
Spatio-temporaly resolved emision spectroscopy of the atmospheric pressure glow discharge in neon
Proceedings of HAKONE 8, year: 2002