Project information
Forma, vizuální význam a okolnosti vzniku uměleckého díla v architektuře a ve výtvarném umění (Forma, vizuální význam)

Project Identification
Project Period
1/2019 - 12/2019
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Masaryk University
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Arts

As in previous years, the research focuses on artworks of architecture, sculpture, painting, drawing, photography and applied art. In the historiography of art history we know two models of determining the meaning of the artistic form. On the one hand, we can be guided by Jacob Burckhardt's idea of the “seeming openness of a work of art” that we strive to understand through historical sources and the experience of its visual appeal. On the other hand, we must be mindful of Michael Baxandall's warning that the forms of works of art may reveal certain non-artistic circumstances to us, but the reverse is no longer possible: external circumstances cannot explain to us a particular work of art. The aim of the solved problem is to analyze the form and visual meaning of the works of architecture, sculpture, painting or photography at different times of the past and present and to open their analyzes by searching for different circumstances within the ideas related to socio-cultural contexts. part. The project is mainly devoted to the following periods of art history: (a) early Christian and Byzantine art (Ivan Foletti); (b) Renaissance and Modern Visual Culture in the Czech Lands and Slovakia (Ondřej Jakubec); (c) spatial ideas in the history of historical and modern architecture (Jiří Kroupa); (d) iconographic and art-craft significance in the creation of modern art objects / Radka Nokkala Miltová /. The research priorities are set on a general level in order to enable students to conduct their own research activities. The project continues to contribute to the internationalization of domestic research. Therefore, the project considered was primarily to support international mobility of doctoral students.


In total, twenty-eight student results entered into RIV were achieved, which in total corresponds to the total planned number of outputs (in some items the plan was not fully fulfilled, but was replaced by comparable outputs that were not originally planned). Two workshops were organized according to the project plan, but the planned conference was postponed until next year.
A total of six items were envisaged in the project, including the following results:
1. Purchase of literature in the field of art history from medieval to contemporary art - the purchase was made and the books became part of the seminar library.
2. Lectures held in the framework of doctoral colleges and independent lectures at the Seminar of Art History - students from the ranks of doctoral students actively participated in regularly organized doctoral colleges, further prepared lectures within the cycle "Medieval Jinax" and participated in the international doctoral symposium SandrArt at Trnava University.
3. Supported participation of PhD students in domestic and foreign conferences - students were supported in participation in conferences both domestic and foreign, as evidenced by the results in the appendix.
4. Motivation for publishing the achieved results in the form of journal studies or proceedings in peer-reviewed journals and publications - the result is not only published articles in journals and proceedings but also other (not yet applied) texts submitted to the editors of magazines that will be published in the future.
5. Motivation for successful completion and defense of diploma and doctoral theses. Based on the project work, five Master's theses and two final dissertations were submitted.


Total number of publications: 52

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