MVDr. Boris Tichý, Ph.D.
Head of Core Facility, Genomics Core Facility
office: bldg. E35/254
Kamenice 753/5
625 00 Brno
phone: | +420 53223549498317 |
e‑mail: | |
Genome of Europe (101168231)
MU Researcher: prof. RNDr. Šárka Pospíšilová, Ph.D. MU Faculty or unit: Central European Institute of Technology Project Period: 10/2024 — 3/2028Investor: European Union / DIGITAL EUROPE -
Genome of Europe - MEYS (9H24001)
MU Researcher: prof. RNDr. Šárka Pospíšilová, Ph.D. MU Faculty or unit: Central European Institute of Technology Project Period: 10/2024 — 3/2028Investor: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR / Other grant projects -
Modernization of the instrumentation and IT equipment of the National Center for Medical Genomics (CZ.02.01.01/00/23_015/0008183)
MU Researcher: MVDr. Boris Tichý, Ph.D. MU Faculty or unit: Central European Institute of Technology Project Period: 4/2024 — 12/2026Investor: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR / OP JAK -
From prenatal age to healthy childhood: uncover the links between chemical exposure and immune diseases in children (GA24-10819S)
MU Researcher: Mgr. Ondřej Adamovský, Ph.D. MU Faculty or unit: Faculty of Science Project Period: 1/2024 — 12/2026Investor: Czech Science Foundation / Standard Projects -
NCMG: The National Centre for Medical Genomic (LM2023067)
MU Researcher: MVDr. Boris Tichý, Ph.D. MU Faculty or unit: Central European Institute of Technology Project Period: 1/2023 — 12/2026Investor: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR / Large Infrastructures for Research, Development and Innovation -
Proteogenomics classification of triple negative breast cancer for prognosis and targeted therapy (NU22-08-00230)
MU Researcher: doc. Mgr. Pavel Bouchal, Ph.D. MU Faculty or unit: Faculty of Science Project Period: 5/2022 — 12/2025Investor: Ministry of Health of the CR / Ministry of Health Research Programme 2020 - 2026 -
National Center for Medical Genomics (LM2018132)
MU Researcher: MVDr. Boris Tichý, Ph.D. MU Faculty or unit: Central European Institute of Technology Project Period: 1/2020 — 12/2022Investor: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR / Large Infrastructures for Research, Development and Innovation -
Vývoj a testování metody RT-LAMP pro detekci koronaviru v nelaboratorních podmínkách (MUNI/71/02202004/2020)
MU Researcher: MVDr. Boris Tichý, Ph.D. MU Faculty or unit: Central European Institute of Technology Project Period: 5/2020 — 12/2020Investor: Masaryk University / Internal projects of TTO -
NCLG - Národní centrum lékařské genomiky - modernizace infrastruktury a výzkum genetické variability populace (CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_013/0001634)
MU Researcher: MVDr. Boris Tichý, Ph.D. MU Faculty or unit: Central European Institute of Technology Project Period: 4/2017 — 9/2019Investor: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR / Operational Programme Research, Development and Education -
Národní centrum lékařské genomiky (LM2015091)
MU Researcher: MVDr. Boris Tichý, Ph.D. MU Faculty or unit: Central European Institute of Technology Project Period: 1/2016 — 12/2019Investor: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR / Large Infrastructures for Research, Development and Innovation