Project information
Application of computer image analysis in optical microscopy
- Project Identification
- MSM 143300002
- Project Period
- 1/1999 - 12/2004
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR
- Research Intents
- MU Faculty or unit
- Faculty of Informatics
- Keywords
- image analysis; image processing; segmentation; preprocessing; deconvolution; 3D analysis; 3D reconstruction; mathematical morphology; parallel computing; parallel algorithms; optical microscopy; confocal microscopy; automation; automated microscopy
Aim: The aim of the project is the research in the field of computer analysis of microscopic images, in the field of automation of the acquisition process and on-line image analysis and application of gained knowledge in praxis. The proposal assumes both continuation of running research of cell nucleus structure with clinical applications in diagnostics and prevention of leukemias and other cancer diseases as well as extension of the research into other application areas of computer analysis of microscopic images, biomedical as well as industrial. Content: Especially the algorithms of image preprocessing and segmentation will be studied with emphasis on deconvolution of 3D images, mathematical morphology operations and 3D image reconstruction from a series of 2D image slices. An intensive research will be led also in the area of parallel image analysis algorithms and parallelization of selected algorithms on multi-processor workstations using the equipment of Supercomputing centre MU.
The aim of the project is the research in the field of computer analysis of microscopic images, in the field of automation of the acquisition process and on-line image analysis and application of gained knowledge in praxis.
Total number of publications: 88
3D Object reconstructions in image cytometry
Biophysics of the Genome, year: 2003
A network solution for high-resolution image cytometry
Biophysics of the Genome, year: 2003
Analysis of DNA methylation status of cell nuclei using high-resolution
Biophysics of the Genome, year: 2003
Architecture of chromosomal territories in apoptotic cells
Biophysics of the Genome, year: 2003
Arrangement of chromosome 11 and 22 territories, EWSR1 and FLI-1 genes, and other genetic elements of these chromosomes in human lymphocytes and Ewing sarcoma cells
Human Genetics, year: 2003, volume: 112, edition: 2
Biophysics of the Genome
Year: 2003, type: Editing of thematic compilation, editing of monothematic issue of profesional journal
Cytogenetics and cytology of retinoblastomas
J Cancer Res. Clin.Oncol., year: 2003, volume: 129, edition: 2
Chromosomal territory segmentation in apoptotic cells
Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, year: 2003, volume: 60, edition: 5
Improving measurement precision using automated micro-axial tomography
Biophysics of the Genome, year: 2003
Multilevel Adaptive Thresholding and Dual Simplex Mesh Deformation as a Tool for Tissue Reconstruction
Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing, year: 2003